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  • medupgade

Winners of the international competition of student's scientific works "Medical Visionary 2"!

Section: Obstetrics and Gynecology

🥇 First Place:

Name: Kulyk Svitlana, Degtyarev Oleg

University: LSMU

Topic: Роль самообстеження в ранній діагностиці раку молочної залози: рутина чи реальні можливості?

🥈 Second Place:  

Name: Kviatyk Yuliia

University: VNMU

Topic: Роль генетичного фактору у розвитку синдрому полікістозних яєчників

These are just the highlights! We're incredibly impressed by the depth of knowledge and dedication showcased by all the participants. Their innovative ideas bring hope for a healthier future, and we can't wait to see what they achieve next.

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